Saturday, November 6, 2010

Stupid Squares

The woman who made this pattern does not know how to figure yardage or write a pattern. At the quilt retreat I spent hours trying to determine how to cut all the pieces out of the fat quarters without repeats (not a chance) and then spent an entire day cutting fabric. There is so much waste in this pattern that I'm mad I didn't spend the time to re-figure the pattern for less waste and more clarity.

Anyways, we went out for birthday dinners tonight so I didn't have a ton of time. But squares are easy so I decided to cut the 120 4.5 inch squares needed for the final nest and then the border from the same fabric. Of course I didn't know when I bought this fabric that the pattern maker didn't figure her yardage correctly so of course I am short about 10 inches.

Tomorrow before the quilt time I will go on a quest for this fabric in the local quilt shops. I might end up ordering it online though. I don't think the quilt will be the same if the border isn't the same as these squares. The other option is no border. I don't think I'll like that so much though.

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